Our Business Bank Account (Limited Liability Company) is essential. Therefore, open a bank account to manage your business funds separately from your personal funds.
Business Bank Account (Limited Liability Company)
Business Bank Account (Limited Liability Company) Requirements:
- Money Earned
- Sales/ Other Sales/Dividends
- Money Spent
- Cost of Sales/Utilities/Rent/Donations/Salaries/Motor Vehicle Expenses
- Money Borrowed
- Mortgage/Vehicle Loan/Credit Card/Equipment Loan
- Money Investment
- Pension/Shares/Life/Critical Illness/Health/Equipment
Furthermore, our process are as follows:
- You would be advised within 2 working days after reviewing your form, if there are any missing data. An email notification sent to you. Therefore, you will be responsible to call or text and up-date DESTINY PLANNERS LTD of any delays or the availability for collection of all requested missing data.
Additionally, our time frame:
- The project takes approximately 5 working days, once there are no unforeseen incidents to hinder the process.
Overall, you will receive a 3 Years Cash Flow based on Profit First system. Along with notes, complimentary bank letter and opening balance sheet.
- 1 year – $500 TTD
- 2 years – $850 TTD use the discount code Dis150
- 3 years – $1,200 TTD use the discount code Dis450
- By-Laws and 2 Share Certificate $300TTD
Payments are as follows: